Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies 2023 Annual Report
Shari Z Art & Design has designed and art directed the Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies’ Annual Report since its inaugural year in 2013, each year creating print-ready files and an interactive PDF for their website. In 2022 the annual report was reimagined to a full digital publication.
The 2023 digital annual report introduces unique desktop and mobile screen designs, custom illustration, an interactive side navigation, and animated statistics accomplished through collaboration with illustrator Andrea Cobb, the communications team at MACP and the digital development services of Haberman.
Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies 2022 Annual Report
When the 2022 annual report became a fully digital publication, Shari Z Art & Design collaborated with the communications team at MACP and Haberman to design and create style guides for the landing page, paying extra attention to details such as the motion feature of the top banner, button styles, color palettes for each of seven grantee domains, infographics and the look and feel of the linked grantee program stories.